Entries by Staff

Bishops’ Appeal Response to Beirut Explosion

Access a downloadable information page here: Bishops Appeal Lebanon Disaster Appeal On Tuesday 4th August, a massive explosion ripped through Beirut, killing 157 people, injuring 5,000, damaging 50% of the buildings and leaving 300,000 people homeless. This disaster comes when the whole country was already on its knees due to its worst financial crisis in […]

USPG Sermon and Prayer Focus for July 12th, 2020

  Bishops’ Appeal supported the USPG Covid-19 Emergency Appeal. In this sermon, the Bible readings help draw out the experiences of Indigenous people in the Philippines, who are trying to survive the Pandemic and human rights abuses, but it also highlights the response of the Church, which is speaking out against injustices and responding in […]

Bishops Appeal Newsletter

Read updates from Zambia, Sierra Leone, Northern Argentina, Lebanon and beyond to get a clear picture of how your donations to the Bishops’ Appeal have been supporting the world’s most vulnerable people before and during lockdown. Click here: Bishops Appeal Summer Newsletter 2020 To support these and other efforts, you can donate to the Bishops’ […]

USPG sermon, transcript and prayer for Sunday June 14th

USPG are working hard to support churches and communities around the world respond to Covid-19.  Bishops’ Appeal supported their efforts by releasing €10,000 to their Appeal. Here, they have provided a timely sermon for this Sunday, June 14th: https://vimeo.com/428503981/d49c3d162b The transcript for the sermon is here: To look with tenderness -A sermon from USPG for […]

Get Involved in the Covid-19 Response

Mothers’ Union members are busy supporting each other, their neighbours and their local health centres as well as patients in hospitals at this time.  If you are a sewer, knitter or crocheter, these simple ideas are fantastic ways to show love and support at this time. We pray that every item from face coverings to […]

We are Supporting Global Emergency Responses During the Covid-19 Pandemic

In light of the global Covid-19 pandemic, Bishops’ Appeal – the Church of Ireland’s World Aid and Development Programme – is releasing a total of €50,000 to five key partner mission and development agencies to support their efforts among the world’s most vulnerable people. The five agencies are Christian Aid, Tearfund Ireland, CMS Ireland, USPG, […]


Our #Pennies4Plastics Lenten Initiative is here! Check out this information sheet full to the brim with everything you need to reduce plastic waste and support others to do the same this Lent. Pennies4Plastics Complete Resource If you want to download the different sections separately, please click on the links below: Pennies4Plastics Information Pennies4Plastics Action Pennies4Plastics Giving […]

Download Application Forms for TEFL Grants Here

Read about some of the successes and experiences of TEFL grant recipients and then download an application form to begin or enhance your own volunteering journey: Teaching English to Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrants: New Grants Available in 2019 In 2018, Bishops’ Appeal offered a grant to people interested in becoming qualified to teach English […]

Limited Edition Bishops’ Appeal 2019 Calendars

Now Available in All Dioceses Members of the Church of Ireland can support communities all over the world this Christmas by purchasing a Bishops’ Appeal calendar.  For just €10/£10, the calendar will raise funds to make a difference on the ground throughout 2019.  It commemorates the Disestablishment of the Church of Ireland – the 150th […]

Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami Response

A 7.4 magnitude earthquake hit the island of Sulawesi on Friday morning, causing a tsunami and around 170 aftershocks. It is the most devastating earthquake to hit Indonesia since 2004. The area devastated by the disaster is bigger than originally thought. The tsunami wave was as high as six metres in some places. The death […]