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Project Update: Fuel Efficient Stoves in Zimbabwe

In April 2015, Bishops’ Appeal funded a project created by Voluntary Services Overseas (VSO) to promote and build energy efficient stoves, known as Tsotso stoves, in Seke Ward 3 and Seke Ward 4 in Zimbabwe. These stoves are designed to use fuel more efficiently, so they will heat up and stay warm with less firewood. […]

Project Update: Training to Build Marginalised Women’s Capacity in Vegetable Farming

In 2015, the Bishop’s Appeal provided Feed the Minds with a grant of £12,627 for their rural development project in Cameroon. Working through their partner, the International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV), they are providing training to marginalised women in vegetable farming to improve their productivity through new skills, including basic literacy. […]

General Synod Mission Breakfast Talk 2016

I’m going to ask you a question and I want you to allow your mind to bring forth as many answers large and small to that question. Are you ready?  What do you value? Where your treasure is, there your heart is also. What you value, is an integral part of what you build your […]

Malawi Monitoring & Evaluation Visit Part 1

The Bishops’ Appeal Advisory Committee has supported the Tearfund IMPACT project on several occasions through multiple donations that have reached €20,000.  The Committee was encouraged by reports of the success of the programme regarding the decrease to the point of eradication of Parent to Child HIV transmission.  The committee was also interested in Tearfund’s approach, which […]

Press Release: Refugee Crisis

And you are to love the stranger, for you were once strangers’ Deut 10:19 As large scale conflict and economic destitution pushes thousands of people to travel perilously to find refuge, Archbishop Richard Clarke and Archbishop Michael Jackson call on members of the Church of Ireland to respond as an integral action of Christian faith […]