Project Update: Training to Build Marginalised Women’s Capacity in Vegetable Farming

In 2015, the Bishop’s Appeal provided Feed the Minds with a grant of £12,627 for their rural development project in Cameroon. Working through their partner, the International Centre for Environmental Education and Community Development (ICENECDEV), they are providing training to marginalised women in vegetable farming to improve their productivity through new skills, including basic literacy.

Achievements so far

Having completed its second year, the project has been a huge success and has met all of its objectives. Since commencement in 2015, 100 women and 5 men across three villages have gained solid functional literacy skills in vegetable farming. They are now able to identify important words related to market and vegetable information, including recognising labels for fertilizers and other farming products.

Ongoing training workshops are also teaching the community about good agriculture management, land preparation, post-harvest handling and pest control. As a result, production has increased by 102% on average, and annual incomes have also doubled. Thanks to irrigation and soil improvement techniques, many farmers have been able to increase the size of their farms, which will create more employment in the long run. Likewise, the higher incomes will provide greater opportunities for the whole community, including enabling parents to send their children to school.

For more information, visit their website here