Malawi Monitoring & Evaluation Visit Part 1

The Bishops’ Appeal Advisory Committee has supported the Tearfund IMPACT project on several occasions through multiple donations that have reached €20,000.  The Committee was encouraged by reports of the success of the programme regarding the decrease to the point of eradication of Parent to Child HIV transmission.  The committee was also interested in Tearfund’s approach, which mobilises church and community leaders to identify the needs and the resources within the community to respond through its own means.

Education Advisor Lydia Monds visited the projects in Malawi to evaluate the work, listen to stories from community leaders and beneficiaries and to hear from the various groups where they would like to see the programmes develop on into the future.


Martha is a mother buddy from Ekwendeni. This means several things.  First, it means she has been trained to work with expecting parents to radically reduce parent to child transmission of HIV through a diligent programme of anti-natal clinic visits, HIV testing, ARVs and nutrition.  Martha is supported by wider voluntary care groups in the community who identify pregnant women for her to visit and through initial and refresher training she receives by Tearfund partners.  She started this role as an understudy before receiving her own clients, numbering 138.  Being a Mother Buddy also means that Martha is HIV positive and her desire to support other mother’s is borne out of the transformation such a programme has brought to her own life.   She shared with us that her 1st child was born HIV+ but after the programme her 2nd child was born HIV-.


One of the most important and difficult tasks that Martha has is convincing the fathers of the unborn babies to attend anti-natal clinic. Within Ingoni culture, pregnancy, birth and young babies are not a man’s concern.  The child is owned by the father and cared for by the mother.  The desire to have both parents involved goes beyond the need to cultivate support networks for an expecting mother.  At the clinic both parents can get tested for HIV/AIDS and syphilis together and can receive counselling if one or both of them are positive.  Women who are tested on their own are not only unlikely to tell their partner their status, but are also unlikely to return to the clinic.  Home births without any anti-natal support drastically increases maternal and child mortalities.

Fathers who had engaged with the programme spoke of fears and suspicions being alleviated as to why their wives took so long at the clinic. Together they were given information on everything from nutrition, rest, hygiene, and family planning and if one forgets the other can remind.  Initially many men went because they heard there were board games available to play whilst their wives were being examined, and because it put their wives to the top of the clinic queue.  Gradually though, with marriage counselling and discussion, they began to see their role in the process.  Several men spoke of collecting firewood or carrying water or even cooking the family meal for the first time, with a new understanding that the unborn baby was their responsibility as well.

Martha teaches couples how to make maize meal porridge with added eggs and legumes for a balanced nutritious meal and prepares mother’s for birth. (This support is also provided by ‘Group Therapy’ run by Care Groups who alert Mother Buddies to a pregnancy in their village She then teaches a strict baby diet of breast milk for the first 6 months only introducing supplements later. She teaches about how to stay malaria free.  New-borns are tested at 6 weeks and then again at 12 and 24 months.  So far, all HIV positive parents in her care have given birth to HIV negative children.

Tricon and Loveness gave birth to HIV negative Catherine in March 2015. Their older child, Benjamin, is 11 years old and HIV positive.  Realities such as these are painful reminders of what life is like in the absence of the IMPACT programme.  The couple were also identified as vulnerable through a Consortium of village chiefs and church leaders (17 denominations work together in this catchment area to identify those most in need of training and support) and were given chickens.  The eggs provide nutrition as well as an income and they use the manure to fertilise their vegetables and maize.

On paper, the IMPACT project phased out after 3 years on 31st October 2014.  However, the structures that were put in place in the community have ensured that it has continued in many forms.  For example, 110 pregnant women have attended the clinic, 98 of whom have been accompanied by their husbands.  Of the 3 women who were HIV+, all have given birth to HIV- babies.  The Consortium of village and church leaders have also been made aware of particularly vulnerable families and have continued to support them through a united effort, irrespective of the needy family’s denomination.  The support is holistic as outlined below.

Emergencies: The consortium provides ox carts and bicycles for expecting mothers who need to get to the clinic in times of emergency.

Conservation Farming: Key village workers attended Conservation farming training in Zimbabwe. After the flash floods that devastated so many homes came one of the worst droughts people can remember in the last decade.  Through simple yet very precise techniques, people who followed conservation farming methods got to reap a harvest, whilst traditional farming methods did not produce any food.  Added to this, conservation farming, called ‘Farming God’s Way’ in some of the villages, replenishes the soil of its depleted nutrients, prevents topsoil erosion and reduces and then eliminates the use of chemical fertilisers, which drastically reduces costs for the farmer.  It also is a lot less labour intensive.  Once your fields have been prepared the first year, the method can be redone without tilling or weeding and so enables elderly and disabled farmers to produce harvests without high levels of discomfort.  In the top left picture Gift is showing us his field covered in dried maize stalks which keeps in the moisture.  All farmers explained the method in the same precise way, with strings used to measure distances between planting stations and rows of maize.  All of them saw the benefits and are now beginning to expand the method to other crops.  Gift is going further and training other farmers, bringing them to his field to show them the differences between the crops grown traditionally and those grown through conservation.

Press Release: Refugee Crisis

And you are to love the stranger, for you were once strangers’ Deut 10:19

As large scale conflict and economic destitution pushes thousands of people to travel perilously to find refuge, Archbishop Richard Clarke and Archbishop Michael Jackson call on members of the Church of Ireland to respond as an integral action of Christian faith and welcome.

The Church’s response is three-fold. We invite parishes and individuals to participate in as many ways as they deem able. We recognise the local responses many individuals and parishes have already undertaken and thank people for their compassion and action.

Pray for the people who are displaced and traumatised, that they receive peace, security and welcome. Pray for all those who have lost loved ones in the conflict or through drowning in the Mediterranean. Pray for empathy and wisdom for the European Governments as they make decisions on how to respond to the crisis.
Engage with political representatives in order to encourage Governments to show courage and leadership in their responsibilities to refugees and to expand provision of refuge and re-settlement to people who are fleeing. You can do this by writing to or seeking to meet with your local TD or MP. You could also join with one of the campaigns organised by charities and agencies working actively in these fields.
Hold a special or a retiring collection on Sunday 13th and Sunday 20th September to respond to the needs of refugees fleeing Syria and Iraq both at their own borders and at European borders. These funds can be sent through Bishops’ Appeal and will be dispersed to agencies such as Christian Aid who are responding directly to the need of 12.2 million people in Syria, 4 million refugees in neighbouring Iraq and Lebanon as well as directing funds to NGOs responding to the need in EU countries.
For more information contact Lydia Monds, Education Advisor, Bishops’ Appeal:

Inequality: Facts & Statistics

Thanks to Irish Aid Funding, Bishops’ Appeal has produced a leaflet full of information and guidelines entitled ‘Global Poverty and the Church’s Response’.  Click here for the whole leaflet: Bishops Appeal Irish Aid Leaflet on Global Poverty

One section explores the vast chasms that global inequality breeds.  Here are the statistics from the leaflet…and some more besides…


”And he said to them, ”Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of one’s possessions.” 

– The Teachings of Jesus, Luke 12:15

‘‘In the long run men inevitably become the victims of their wealth. They adapt their lives and habits to their money, not their money to their lives. It preoccupies their thoughts, creates artificial needs, and draws a curtain between them and the world.”

Herbert Croly, U.S. political philosopher (1869-1930)

  • There are 27 million slaves in the world today – more than there was during the time of the slave trade.  (These figures were true in 2010.  However, in the past 5 years this number has escalated to 35 million, at the same time as the richest people in the world became exponentially richer – see the first graph below.)
  • 4.5 days of current global military spending is the amount needed to provide basic education for every child on the planet.
  • Today 2.1 billion people are forced to defecate in the open because of lack of toilets and 850 million people are dependent on surface stagnant water for drinking and cooking.
  • The richest 1% own 80% of the world’s resources.
  • In industrialised countries, consumers throw away 286 million tonnes of cereal/grain products. That is the equivalent of 763 billion packets of pasta….and 842 million people are malnourished/half the world is hungry.
  • The billions lost in tax dodging by corporations could fund entire national welfare systems, transform healthcare programmes and develop new industry.
  • 250 million children in developing countries are forced to work, many in sweatshops.
  • Studies show that doubling the salary of sweatshop workers would only increase the consumer cost of an item by 1.8%, while consumers would be willing to pay 15% more to know a product did not come from a sweatshop.

“The disposition to admire, and almost to worship, the rich and the powerful, and to despise, or, at least, to neglect persons of poor and mean condition is the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments.”

Scottish political economist (1723-1790)

billionaires graph

inequality pyramid

The super rich can view the lower classes as subhumanIt is very hard to justify your huge wealth unless you see people beneath you as less deserving. Once the wealth gaps become very large, it is easier to get through the day if you see them as less able, less special. When earlier this month the civil society minister Brooks Newmark told people involved in charities that they should “stick to their knitting” rather than concern themselves with what might be causing the problems they were trying to remedy, he was exhibiting just such a “don’t worry your pretty little head” attitude.

At the extreme, the less fortunate may not be seen as people at all. That was the finding of a study from Princeton University in which MRI scans were taken of several university students’ active brains while they viewed images of different people. Researchers saw that photographs of homeless people and drug addicts failed to stimulate areas of the brain that usually activate whenever people think about other people, or themselves. Instead, the (mostly affluent) students reacted to the images as if they “had stumbled on a pile of trash”.

The more economic inequality there is in a country, the more people are prone to instantly size up each others’ status upon meeting. Some quickly cast their eyes down; others look over the shoulders of those they don’t think they need to respect. Social psychologists from Berkeley and Amsterdam have studied strangers in situations where one told the other of a difficult personal experience, such as a death in the family. The larger the social gap, the less compassion was shown. Such behaviour, and the acceptance of it as normal, becomes much more prevalent in those places where the 1% have taken the most.

-Excerpt taken from a Guardian article:

Press Release: Nepal Earthquake Appeal

The Situation:

On Saturday 25th April, a powerful earthquake hit Nepal, leaving devastation in its wake. Bishops’ Appeal immediately became a conduit for any funds donated for rescue and relief efforts. Today, Archbishop Richard and Archbishop Michael have elevated this response to a Major Emergency Appeal.

Currently over 4,300 people are dead with that figure estimated to rise to 10,000 as entire villages remain unreachable at this time. Thousands of injured people line the streets as buildings are either demolished or unstable and hospitals inundated.

Information is still coming in from the major cities, and rural areas near the epicentre have been completely cut off by avalanches. In some areas near Gorkha, it is estimated that 80% of households have been destroyed or severely damaged.

The Government of Nepal has declared a state of Emergency.


nepal c

The Response:

Bishops’ Appeal has released £10,000 and has directed these funds towards search and rescue efforts, the setting up of makeshift medical centres, water purification and shelter. All funds channelled through Bishops’ Appeal will be in support of the invaluable efforts of Christian Aid and Tearfund partners in the most affected areas of Nepal.

Bishop Patrick, Chairperson of Bishops’ Appeal states: ‘We urge individuals, parishes and dioceses to give generously to help the eight million people who have been affected by the earthquake. We pray that those responding on the ground gain access to the resources that they need to bring hope and healing.’

Bishop Patrick also requests that donations to the earthquake victims are given over and above general giving to Bishops’ Appeal so that other impoverished communities do not suffer at this time due to redirected funds.

Christian Aid have highlighted that as little as £5 or €6.85 can provide a hygiene kit and £100 or €137 can provide a waterproof temporary shelter for 4 families.

Donations can be sent to: Bishops’ Appeal, Church of Ireland House, Church Avenue, Rathmines, Dublin 6.

Electronic donations can be made to Bishops’ Appeal Euro or Sterling accounts with the word ‘Nepal’ in the subject line. If you wish to receive an acknowledgement of funds donated, please Bank details can be found on our

Thank you for your support.


Additional Information:

Christian Aid has estimated the costs of getting different items to people in need:

People need immediate help with food, clean water, warm clothes, blankets, hygiene kits and emergency shelter.

Item Cost £ Cost €
Plastic mugs for a family of 5 £0.85 €1.16
Two cooked meals for one person staying in a relief camp £1 €1.37
100 purification tablets £1.75 €2.40
One Woollen blanket £2 €2.74
15 litre bucket for storing water £3 €4.11
Emergency hygiene kit (soap, toothpaste etc.) £5 €6.85
Blankets for ten people £13 €17.81
Bedding set (Inc. blankets, mats, beds, mosquito nets) £15 €20.55
Waterproof temporary shelter for a family of five £25 €34.25
Cooking utensils for one family £35 €47.95
Two cooked meals for 50 people/ 10 families in a relief camp £50 €68.50
Waterproof temporary shelter for four families £100 €137
Water resistant tent for one family £150 €205.50