Bishops’ Appeal Funding Allocations June – September 2021

Thank you to everyone who responded so generously to our Covid Appeal and to our India Appeal and now to our Haiti Appeal.  We have allocated thousands over the past three months to programmes targeting extreme hunger as a result of Covid, or returns to school for the most vulnerable girls in communities in the Global South or emergency frontline responses to the second wave of Covid in India and now to the earthquake in Haiti.

Alongside these specific appeals, we have, with your help, continued to support communities in the areas of disaster relief, education, health and rural development.  These have included supporting people displaced due to conflict, building resilience and training for communities hardest hit by climate change, as well as the provision of water in communities where access to water and sanitation is simply not in place.  And there have been even more.  We are so grateful for your support in uncertain times and for the legacies that have underpinned many of the projects funded at a time when we thought we would be turning projects away due to low funds.

Here is an outline of programmes funded since June:

June funds released:
  • Humanitarian aid released to Tearfund to support internally displaced people due to the conflict in Tigray, Ethiopia.  Food, hygiene kits, blankets, tarp, medical supplies.
  • Funds were released from TKA diocesan link project to Water Drops, an agency working in remote parts of Kenya to deliver reliable, clean water sources.
  • Our Covid India Appeal received a generous response and funds continued to be released to MSF and Asha, both frontline agencies responding to the 2nd wave of Covid there.  Asha was also supported by parishes who had visited their projects just before the Pandemic and Bishops’ Appeal added significantly to their fundraising efforts.
  • More funds were released to Christian Aid for their response in Beirut.  Although media attention is no longer on Beirut, the rebuilding after the explosion continues as does the community development work long established by partner agencies there.
  • Funds were released to SAMS in Bolivia who are supporting people who lost livelihoods due to Covid and are providing training in new skills to help people earn incomes and improve their mental health.
  • Funds were released to Fields of Life ‘I am a Girl’ project.  This is a long standing funding allocation for Bishops’ Appeal as more schools receive additional latrines and wash stations for girls to have privacy when menstruating so they can continue to come to school. Education on child rights is also provided and programmes such as school gardens are developed to ensure the children get a meal in school.
  • Funds were released to support a Model Farm in DR Congo through CMS Ireland.  This will bring together women and vulnerable youth, train them in improved agricultural skills and use the funds from the crops grown to sustain and expand on these types of programmes run by the diocese.
  • Funds were released to Habitat for Humanity to support two villages in Malawi get access to water via boreholesand to eradicate open defecation by increasing latrines, rainwater harvesting and hygiene education.
  • Funds were released for mobile health clinics in Bangladesh via USPG, supporting vulnerable people who live remotely and cannot take time off as day labourers to attend clinics far away, to receive medical attention.  The programme also provides financial supports for those who need to attend a hospital for treatment.
Total Funds released in June: €38,916 and £30,256
September funds currently being released:
  • Tearfund were allocated funding for a food provision and seed distribution programme in ethiopia.  As crops failed due to lack of rain, food prices soared.  Provision of food to prevent starvation and then seeds and agricultural training in conservation farming, as well as a focus on engaging women and men to work together in these efforts are all part of this programme.  The funds were match-funded by another donor.
  • Christian Aid received funding for improving health and resilience for communities in Ethiopia who are being hit by crisis after crisis.  This is a multi-faceted programme.
  • Funds were released from the Haiti Appeal to Christian Aid and Habitat for Humanity for their responses after the earthquake.  Homes they built in 2016 did not collapse, even as others around them did.
  • Funds were also released to Christian Aid from the CCRD diocesan link project ‘Making the Most of Maize’ as well as from our Lenten focus #Connect4Creation.
  • Christian Aid also received substantial funds for their Global Hunger Appeal directed to their targeted Covid responses in India.
  • Funds were released to CMS Ireland for the diocese of Goma and the rebuilding of schools after the devastation of the volcanic eruption in May.
  • Funds were released to Self Help Africa to reduce hunger and malnutrition for families with small holdings in Teso, Uganda.
  • Funds were released to Fields of Life for their ‘I am a Girl’ project in two more primary schools.
Total funds allocated in September: €80,750 
(Note: we received a high volume of euro applications but also had a euro legacy to allocate, which meant some sterling projects were supported in euro where the agency also has a euro bank account.)