

Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines in November 2013 and its effects still linger in communities today.

This livelihoods project aims to help those communities, to enhance their climate resiliency and ensure they have sustainable livelihoods for the future.

Many families relied of agriculture and fishing to make a living before the typhoon, but these were destroyed. Christian Aid has been working with these families to provide new livelihoods training and the tools they need for these livelihoods. Seeing the need to equip communities with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and their income against climate change in the future, Christian Aid started to work with the Rice Watch Action Network (RWAN).

The continued work of Christian Aid and RWAN has four objectives:
1. To develop further Community Resiliency Field School product brands e.g. Good Health: Food, Home and Wellness Products
2. To assist more communities in their social enterprise activities e.g. training on additional livelihood options, product development and product packaging
3. To strengthen local government departments and community organisations in both leadership and financial literacy
4. To create a marketing arm to help link community social enterprises to markets and suppliers

These objectives are expected to directly benefit 1,650 heads of household, and indirectly benefit 8,250 household members.